Read all about the latest updates inside the world of Telecoms
Seize the Opportunity: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Embrace VOIP for Your Business
The recent announcement regarding the BT switch-off may have caused a shift in plans for some businesses. While the official migration to digital voice services (VOIP) has been moved to January 2027, this unexpected extension shouldn't be viewed simply as a delay. It's a valuable chance to gain a deeper understanding of VOIP and explore the benefits it offers your business.
The BT Switch-Off: Preparing Your Business for the Future of Connectivity
The recent news about the BT switch-off being delayed by a year to January 2027 might seem like a welcome reprieve, but if anything it highlights just how complicated getting a whole country to migrate to the technology is, and just how important it is to get it right!
So, what exactly is going on, and why does it make sense to get ready for the switch off now?
Great News for Harrogate Businesses: Free Telecoms Support Now Available to Chamber Members!
Following our successful collaboration with The Harrogate BID, Xi Comms is thrilled to announce that we're extending our free support and special offer to members of Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce!
Helping Harrogate Businesses Navigate the Telecoms Switch-Off
At Xi Comms, we're passionate about supporting Harrogate businesses. That's why we're offering free guidance to Harrogate BID members as the telecoms landscape undergoes a major shift.
Digital Connectivity in 2024: Postcode Lottery or Poor Provider?
“I'm an Army veteran - the broadband was better in Helmand Province than my UK village”.
Is it really just tough luck if you find yourself in a digital blackspot, or are other options available? Let’s take a closer look.
Demystifying the BT Switch Off
By now you’ve probably heard about the BT Switch Off in 2025 and may be wondering how this is all going to affect you and your business?