Contact Centre
Your Contact Centre could consist of row after row of agents taking or making calls or it could simply be a few individuals taking orders or providing Customer Service all based from home.
Maximise efficiency, maximum effectiveness
Regardless of the scale you will want to maximise the results generated. Do you know how many calls have been received or made, how many calls lost or unanswered, average answer time, who are the most productive agents? All the things that drive the most effective Contact Centres.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
Contact Centre from Xi Comms will allow you to measure all elements of your Contact Centre regardless of scale. A number of features will help you get the optimum results. You can Queue callers, divert them to the best available agents and record calls. Your Wallboard can tell agents how many calls you have waiting. Agents can login and logout so you can measure their contribution.
Xi Comms Contact Centre can be deployed easily, at low cost and is scalable from 1 to many hundreds of agents on one site, across multiple sites and can even embrace home-workers for that peak demand.
+ Read our Beer Hawk testimonial
"At Beer Hawk we pride ourselves on providing an excellent customer experience and the service from XI Communications enables the smooth & seamless running of our Customer Service centre.
The ability to place our agents into different skill sets and effective call menus within the system are essential for our day to day operation and the easy to use interface makes responding to peak activity hassle free.
The reporting data provided as part of the package is detailed and accurate, from the live wallboard we use to track contact centre performance in real time to the more granular agent and team performance reports. Having the ability to easily and quickly view this data has made a big difference in improving the service we provide.
The friendly and proactive team at XI are always available to help and offer flexible solutions for some of our more specific requirements we couldn’t ask for more!"
Andy Ward Customer Service Manager